Make SamSites target players, NPCs, and animals
"Player targeting by SamSite": true,
"NPC targeting by SamSite": true,
"Animal targeting by SamSite": true,
"Player targeting by NPC SamSite": false,
"NPC targeting by NPC SamSite": false,
"Animal targeting by NPC SamSite": false,
"Animals to exclude": [
"SamSite Range": 150.0,
"Version": {
"Major": 1,
"Minor": 0,
"Patch": 1
Note that you can exclude certain animals by the short name, e.g. chicken, bear, boar, stag.
Also, the only difference between a SamSite and an NPC SamSite is the owner. OwnerID 0 is server and would be reserved for SAMSites at Launch Site, etc.
There is a significant performance hit with this plugin currently. You may or may not notice depending on other time-dependent plugins you may be running. In particular, it definitely hurts NPC Music Player.