A simple plugin to spawn a mini copter for yourself. Limits to one mini copter per player with optional cooldown (using permission).
- myminicopter.spawn -- Allows player to spawn a mini copter (/mymini)
- myminicopter.fetch -- Allows player to use /gmini retrieve their mini copter
- myminicopter.where -- Allows player to use /wmini to locate their mini copter (NEW!)
- myminicopter.admin -- Allows an admin to run console commands (may change)
- myminicopter.cooldown -- Adds a cooldown to player
- myminicopter.unlimited -- Player can fly without fuel usage (will need to add at least 1 LGF unless "Allow unlimited to use fuel tank" is set to false)
Chat Commands
- /mymini -- Spawn a mini copter
- /nomini -- Despawn mini copter
- /wmini -- Find mini copter
- /gmini -- Get/fetch mini copter
Console Commands
- spawnminicopter <player ID>
- killminicopter <player ID>
For Developers
- (void) SpawnMyMinicopter (BasePlayer player) (void) KillMyMinicopterPlease (BasePlayer player) no return value;
"Global": {
"allowWhenBlocked": false,
"useCooldown": true,
"copterDecay": false,
"killOnSleep": false,
"allowFuelIfUnlimited": false,
"allowDriverDismountWhileFlying": true,
"allowPassengerDismountWhileFlying": true,
"stdFuelConsumption": 0.25,
"cooldownmin": 60.0,
"mindistance": 0.0,
"gminidistance": 0.0,
"minDismountHeight": 7.0,
"allowRespawnWhenActive ": false,
"startingFuel": 0.0,
"Prefix": "[My MiniCopter] :"
"Version": {
"Major": 0,
"Minor": 4,
"Patch": 1
- `allowWhenBlocked` -- Set to true to allow player to use /mymini while building blocked
- `useCooldown` -- Enforce a cooldown for minutes between use of /mymini.
- `copterDecay` -- Enable decay
- `killOnSleep` -- Kill the copter when the user leaves the server
- `allowFuelIfUnlimited` -- Allow unlimited permission users to add fuel anyway.
- `allowDriverDismountWhileFlying` -- Allow the driver to dismount while flying above minDismountHeight.
- `allowPassengerDismountWhileFlying` -- Allow passenger to dismount while flying above minDismountHeight.
- `allowRespawnWhenActive`-- If true, /mymini will destroy and rebuild the player's mini. If false, the player should get a warning that they already have a mini.
- `stdFuelConsumption` -- Adjust fuel consumption per second from standard amount (0.25f)
- `cooldownmin` -- Minutes to wait between usage of /mymini
- `mindistance` -- Miniumum distance to copter for using /nomini
- `gminidistance` -- Miniumum distance to copter for using /gmini
- `minDismountHeight` -- Miniumum height for dismount (for allow rules above)
- `startingFuel` -- How much fuel to start with for non-unlimited permission players (default 0)
- `Prefix` -- Prefix for chat messages (default [MyMiniCopter: ])
Set "Value in meters" for gmini or nomini to 0 to disable the requirement (default).
Future Plans
- health workaround
- check console commands input/NRE